A guerilla gardening update – the birthday flower grenades have been deployed.

Pictured above are the Seedboms being prepared in a little water (although apparently they don’t have to be wet beforehand) and also a shot of the target area.

We had a birthday in the office this week and, as is Wingfinger custom, a special birthday card was created.

The exciting birthday present accompanying the card was a nifty piece of guerilla gardening design from a company called Kabloom. The Seedbom is basically a (grenade-shaped) lump of clay, plant food and flower seeds, ready to be thrown into your garden, your neighbour’s terrible backyard, or the local wasteground-come-fly tipping site. There is apparently enough planty goodness in the Seedbom to give the flowers the flying start they need.

Kabloom say that the Seedbom is manufactured from recycled, environmentally-friendly and locally-sourced materials, all of which we are fans of at Wingfinger!

There is more information on the Kabloom Facebook page, and you can buy your own four-pack of Seedboms at Folksy.com. (An Easter egg alternative, perhaps?)

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