- Website including ‘find your nearest car’ map and members-only pages
- Illustrated online learning resources
- Website for counselling and therapy service
- Website design for campaign charity
- Promotional postcards for women’s charity
- Illustrated booklet about debt and austerity
- Lively annual report for clients and donors
- Design of report on withdrawing investment in fossil fuels
- Reports highlighting issues relating to debt across the world
- Designed for translation into French, Spanish and Portuguese
- Leaflets for a Christian charity providing responses to the threat of climate change
- Magazine available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese
- Informative reports for international development charity, Tearfund
- Documents clearly presenting technical information for a global charity
- Campaign to stop trafficking for sexual exploitation in the UK
- A4 booklet on drug abuse and HIV in Russia
- Campaign leaflets for the G8 summit
- 88 page A4 document plus cover with flap for CD and additional resources