Illustrating teddy bears

Posted Monday, 7 September 2015 by Amy
We love working with theatre makers at Wingfinger, and were thrilled when Freehand Theatre approached us to develop new artwork for an upcoming touring production, Frogs, Snails and Teddy Bear Tales.
Freehand make productions for children using imaginative puppets and lovely design, so we felt under pressure to make sure the publicity would live up to the visuals of their show!

Stages in the process: quick sketch to initial visualisation.
After a chat about the production and company ethos, we did some scribbling and then worked up a rough visualisation. Putting the final inked illustrations over some painty background layers gave us a bright and colourful design, still allowing some room for the all-important overprinting of regional details. One Arts Council logo and a bumblebee later, and we had a finished design, which we then worked into a two-sided flyer format.
Find out more about the show and touring schedule on Freehand Theatre’s website and see more of our illustration work here in our design portfolio.